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Thursday, September 22, 2011

here is love stories..

When Am I Ready To Get Married?

This morning we had a delightful radio interview with a Pennsylvania radio station about our research on successful marriage. We have done a ton of these interviews since our book Golden Anniversaries: The Seven Secrets of a Successful Marriage came out earlier this year, and we enjoyed them immensely.
It is always a pleasure to share the “secrets” of successful marriage with our interviewer and his or her audience. Sometimes we answer questions from the listeners, sometimes just from the host of the show, and at times from both. In this business, you learn pretty quickly to talk on your feet as the questions often come rapid-fire, many of them are questions you’ve never heard before, and the time to answer them is usually quite short.
Fortunately, over time we have developed the “gift of gab.” And, because we know our subject quite well based on our 26 years of research on successful marriage, most of our answers are easily retrievable from wherever it is stored in our respective brains!
This morning we got a question we have gotten before in some form or another, but not as directly or succinctly as the host asked it. His question – “When am I ready to get married?”
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So close but yet so Far Away

Hello, I know many out there have heard plenty of love stories. As well as I believe each and every love story is unique in its own way, as magical as it can be, and the most wonderful to each and every soul out there. We come to you to give you our love story in hopes that we can ask for help getting back to one another. Our love story begins almost 3 years ago. To begin, let me introduce myself. My name is Suprena and I am a stranger to most. My heart and soul next to me in the photo is Hugh. We fell in love just by talking and knowing each other as much as possible. When we met we weren’t looking for love. I never thought I would meet the one in the way that I did. We both played a video game called Final Fantasy XI. Now I know most of you probably wouldn’t ever think of meeting someone like that, but we did. I was minding my own business and had just spoken to another friend about getting a weapon for myself on a little character in a fantasy world and up pops a personal message. From that day forward I have not and could not see my life any other way but with Hugh in it. He tells me .... (read more)

A Hungarian And An Irish

I was in love, truly, deeply in love….with my ex-boyfriend over 2 years ago…We broke up as it usually happens when you are 18. It was an ugly ending I still loved him..Could not have stayed in Hungary any longer, needed a change.

I quit my job and said goodbye to my family, came to Ireland to start my life all over again. I missed him, I missed him a lot but I have always been a strong women so I knew I cannot give up. I settled down in the heart of Dublin, got an okay job, got friends. Had my life just like before him..Never thought I would fall in love with somebody again (at least not any soon). Once I was spending time on my Facebook. I saw this advertisement about that website called ‘Love struck’, I just said to myself why wouldn’t I try it out??? I registered..never did anything like that before as I never believed in the way like that to find your true love. Of course the website like that started to ask me lots of question, I had to set up a proper profile and I just got so fed up and left in the middle of it.
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