By Request: I make this tutorial because a lot of requests.I try to create the basics of how to make or how does it become a motion picture.
There are two ways to make an animation in photoshop :
1. Direct import of the layer (Make frames from layers - for which already EXPERT)
2. Manual (this specifically for moving objects aja)For this time, we start by manual because it is esier.
Open a new document:
Create a box with the rectangle marquee tool. Click Select> Inverse ..then paint it with Black Click Edit> Fill> Black
Now, make a circle with the Elliptical Marquee tool .. (press the SHIFT key to result perfect circle)
Paint with Gradient Tool> Radial Gradient.Select whatever color you want.
if you followed the instructions correctly, the result is like this:
move the ball ..Click Windows> Animation, then appeared Animation Bar .
Click the Duplicate Selected Frame. The newframe appears with the same ball position.
Click the Tween Animation Frame to crete frames which the ball position move from top to left automatically. If you want smooth movement, just add more frames. Now we use five frames.
Taraaaaa.. We have gotten the ball move from the top to the left side. Just try press the Play button.
in the same way, we can make the next movements.
Click the last frame ..Click Duplicate selected frame again .. Move the ball down the middle .. and create a Tween animation frame, add five frames .. Then animate the ball from the middle down to the middle right ..animate again ..
Happy learning..
Good Luck!!!